Thursday, December 3, 2009

"I Robot... You Jane" (1.8)

-Okay. I think Carlo's relationship with Moloch the Corrupter went a lot deeper than that of demon and worshipper. Look at that knowing glint in Carlo's eyes. They totally hooked up.

-Why is it that when people don't want a book to be read ever again, they just bury it or put it a giant wooden box? I mean, I can understand if destroying the book will release the evil therein. That's not really optimal. But if they really don't want anyone to read it, the least they could do is slather the pages with jam. No one--not even a uptight, book loving Watcher or his earnest, romantically-challenged Scooby--wants jam hands. Done and done.

-Miss Calendar is one sassy little code monkey.

-Fritz seriously needs to get laid.

-Buffy couldn't get a hold of Willow on the phone because Willow was online all night. Heh. Buffy should have tried after Willow's dad picked up the phone to make a business call.


"Sorry, honey."

*forty-five minutes of modem screeching*

-Yes, Buffy. Circus freaks are well-known for their lack of teeth and mad HaXoR skillz.

-No one ever says one way or the other, but I bet you a Coke CDR is a subsidiary of Wolfram & Hart.

-I often speak out loud as I type. In fact, I'm doing it right now. I guess the ADA will be happy to know that Sunnydale has equipped all of its computers for the visually impaired.

-"Hello, David. My name is Mol--I mean, Malcolm! Shall we play a game?"

-Coming up with escalating theoretical acts of destruction:
Buffy, 1; Giles, pwned.

-First Willow starts imming with some total random, now she's blithely answering the door without looking to see who it is while no one else is home. Where is this child's mother?! Probably off somewhere erecting burning stakes. MOOOOOO!

-Is it just me or does anyone else think technopagan sounds like a Wiccan who's really into raves? *flips the light switch on and off* "The goddess is down! The goddess is down!"

-Moloch has control of everything online, but he can't erase the one instant message that immediately leads Buffy and Xander to CDR?

-I still can't believe Fritz would take so much time out of his Neverwinter Nights schedule to build that toaster wannabe.

-Moloch, she's just not that into you.

-Time out. What kind of computer company has knockout gas in its pipes? See! I told you they were owned by Wolfram & Hart. You owe me a Coke.

-Buffy, this whole problem you're having with the metal dude? This knowledge will come in handy with Adam. Or it will if you can still remember this after the beer incident...

-Giles is kind of dreamy when he's waxing poetical about books. Looks like Calendar thinks so, too.

-Xander thinks none of them will ever have a happy, normal relationship. Don't worry, kids. They won't ever be normal, but they'll have their moments.

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